Authorised Land Use
MHV Water Ltd (MHV) hold a land use and discharge resource consent CRC183851 to manage the effects of nitrogen loss from shareholder properties and it includes a catchment nitrogen load limit. The catchment nitrogen load limit will decrease over time to comply with reduction targets set by Plan Change 2 of the Land and Water Regional Plan.
In order to ensure the scheme remains on track with meeting catchment water quality outcomes and compliance with their nitrogen discharge consent, MHV Water have developed processes to identify a property’s Authorised Land Use (ALU) and how they apply to vary that land use (Farm Activity Variation Application – FAVA) and these are captured in the Authorised Land Use Policy.
The ALU is determined from the peak parameters from the 2014-19 period, which aligns with the reference period from the National Environmental Standard for Freshwater 2020.
The Authorised Land Use will provide a greater degree of certainty for Shareholders detailing the maximum permitted land use parameters including;
- Irrigated area
- Winter grazing area
- Stocking rate
Supplement use and fertiliser usage will also be documented.
If a Shareholder wishes to increase any of these parameters they will need to seek MHV approval by completing a Farm Activity Variation Application (FAVA).
The FAVA needs to take into consideration the following:
- Does the change result in an increase in N losses greater than the Nitrogen Discharge Allowance (NDA) or risk non-compliance with scheme N load limit?
- Can the Property meet reduction targets?
- The Property does not rely on an unauthorised intensification on another property (e.g. move winter grazing somewhere else)?
- Are regulatory requirements complied with?
- Will variation have a negative impact on a sensitive receptor?
- What is the environmental performance history of the applicant?
- Does the proposed variation align with the scheme’s overall objectives, including promotion of continuous improvement and catchment outcomes being met?
- Does the sufficiency of proposed mitigations to ensure the overall catchment outcomes are met?
If you would like a copy of your ALU or have any queries please contact us.
Authorised Land Use - Frequently Asked Questions